Polar Bear
Source: Polar bear - Wikipedia
Caveat: the maps below are likely wrong. Please don't use them as examples of good concept maps. They're only shared publicly to document the tool's evolution.
First Try
Fair enough. Relatively simple. Not very informative — just the basic facts.
Second Try
A failure. Though this map presents facts and most are arranged as subject-predicate-object sets, there is an unacceptable number of errant pairs. I haven’t yet figured out how to get LLMapper to minimize these.
Third Try
Again: simple, factual, and structurally correct. But not very interesting. Could be better if the tool recognized that in this context Bears and Polar bears refer to the same concept.
I suspect the nature of the subject matter influences the tool’s output. I expect a page like the one for polar bears to be mostly a recitation of facts about the species. That’s reflected in all three maps, which are for the most part unambiguous.