Source: Mutasiva of Anuradhapura - Wikipedia

Caveat: the maps below are likely wrong. Please don't use them as examples of good concept maps. They're only shared publicly to document the tool's evolution.

First Try

Mutasiva of Anuradhapura - A concept map by LLMapper

Before explicitly prompting for concepts.

Third Try

Mutasiva of Anuradhapura - A concept map by LLMapper


Fourth Try

Mutasiva of Anuradhapura - A concept map by LLMapper

Still listing “is a”-type relationships. Considering leaving these in.


The source content make a big difference to the output. A shorter, more focused Wikipedia page results in cleaner maps. (As expected.)


  • Instructed summarization prompt to explicitly list the main concepts in the article and the relationships between them. This seems to improve the output. (Need more experiments.)