Source: Operation Title - Wikipedia

Caveat: the maps below are likely wrong. Please don't use them as examples of good concept maps. They're only shared publicly to document the tool's evolution.

First Try

Operation Title - A concept map by LLMapper

Several ‘origin’ nodes

Third Try

Operation Title - A concept map by LLMapper

Again, same issue

Fifth Try

Operation Title - A concept map by LLMapper

Better – but still burying the lede


For the second go, tried using GPT-4o as the engine. Didn’t make much difference – in fact, it made things a bit worse.

For the third go, I set the temperature for both of the code-generating prompts to 0.2. Again, didn’t seem to make much difference.

For the fourth go, added instructions to emphasize the need for a central concept in the RDF output. The main problem I’m dealing with are maps that have several ‘origin’ nodes.


Specified that temperature for the code steps should be 0.2