Source: Artificial Intelligence Act - Wikipedia

Caveat: the maps below are likely wrong. Please don't use them as examples of good concept maps. They're only shared publicly to document the tool's evolution.

Second Try

Artificial Intelligence Act - A concept map by LLMapper

Somewhat boring.

Third Try

Artificial Intelligence Act - A concept map by LLMapper

Richer and better.

Fifth Try

Artificial Intelligence Act - A concept map by LLMapper

Asked the panel of experts to focus on why the subject matters. Slightly better?


Experimenting with the panel-of-experts prompting approach for the summarization step.

Feeling the constraints of the current approach. The diagrams are okay, but they don’t really spell out why any of these things matter.


Added panel-of-experts prompt to summarization step. Asked them to focus on why this concept matters.

The first effort introduced Markdown comment indicators at the start of the DOT output file, which made it unrenderable. I explicitly modified the DOT prompt to avoid this.